Jan 25, 2019 the form you should use to apply for a passport card depends on whether you have had a passport before. If you have had a passport in the past, it does not matter if it was a card or a book, it is still a passport. I will be in this situation in two year and therefore have clicked want answer, but in the meantime here is something ive found in the instructions to the ds82 passport renewal form pdf submit your most recently issued emp. I want a card so i can frequently travel to mexico while my passport book is on hold for getting a visa to travel to china. Feb 12, 2019 you can also apply for the passport book and the passport card at the same time when youre utilizing the ds11 new passport application for new passport.
You must have the original copies of all required documents. This option means getting both a passport book and passport card with just one application. In this case, you would apply for a passport renewal by mail. I have a passport book for about five years now, but i wanted to obtain a passport card. The passport card can be used only to reenter the u. Applying for a passport card by mail will take up to 8 weeks. Application form ds11 can be used in order to apply for a passport book, passport card or both. Passport cards for under 18s will be valid for the same period as the passport book. Passport cards are valid for land and sea travel to and from canada, mexico and the countries of the caribbean. When you apply for a passport card, youll spend less money than you would when applying for a passport book. No, you must simply apply for the passport book now. You can use this creditcardsized document to reenter the united states from mexico, canada, bermuda and the caribbean when traveling by land or sea.
I have a passport card but need a passport book to travel to. Americans may enter the unites states from the bahamas by sea using a passport, passport card, or other western. If you are applying for both a book and a card at the same time, you only need to submit one passport photo. You only need a passport book if you travel by air. We compare the two to help you decide which type of id is best. Mar 18, 2020 the passport book has plenty of pages for visas and arrivaldeparture stamps, while the passport card is a onepiece credit card sized id card. Can you upgrade from a passport card to a passport book. If you have a valid passport book, you do not have to get a passport card as well.
After he confirmed that his spouse could cruise with just a passport card, he booked their tropical vacation. The adult passport bundle, which includes a 10year passport book and 5year passport card for people aged over 18, costs 100. If you have the card, you may want to get the book as well in case you need to make unexpected flights. Department of state is responsible for issuing passports to citizens. I have a passport card, but also need a passport book for overseas. To enter canada, your passport book or card must be valid at the time of entry. Differences between a passport book and passport card. You can get a passport card with your passport book if you like.
A citizen or national is allowed to hold both a passport card and a passport book. Most us passports have a dark blue cover, and contain 28 pages. You can also apply for the passport book and the passport card at the same time when youre utilizing the ds11 new passport application for new passport. As the others have said, its really only good as a backup in case you lose the real us passport book. The passport card has the same validity as the passport book. The form you should use to apply for a passport card depends on whether you have had a passport before. Currently takes 6 weeks regular processing or 3 expedited. Can i upgrade from a passport card to a passport book. Passport books are likely what you think of when you imagine a passport a bookletstyle identification and travel document.
If you are applying from outside ireland, there is an additional delivery cost of 5. This case is an unfortunate example of what can go wrong if you decide to cruise with just a. Passport card can be used to enter the united states from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda at land border crossings or sea portsofentry and is more convenient and less expensive than a passport book. The passport card can be used for entering the united states at land border crossings and sea portsofentry from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda. This processing period can take 4 weeks and up to 6 weeks.
What is the difference between a passport book and. The passport card is commonly requested by travelers that are planning to go on a cruise. You can apply for both a passport book and passport card at the same time using either form ds11 apply in person or form ds82 renew by mail must be eligible. Adult passports are valid for 10 years and may be renewed by mail. However, your new passport card may take longer to be issued, and will be sent to you under separate cover. Yes, you can use your passport card in order to apply for a passport book. It can also be used for domestic air travel in the usa. If you have a passport card and you are eligible to use form ds82. Both passport books and cards are valid for 10 years, so if it fits your travel plans, the passport card can be a cheaper alternative. It may often be used as an identity card for purposes other than international travel, such as domestic air travel. Passport books or passport cards are both valid for 10 years after issue for adults, and five years for travelers under age 16. If you are also applying for a renewal of your passport book and you opt for expedited service by mail, your passport book will arrive in 23 weeks, but your passport card may arrive in a separate envelope several weeks later. However, before you apply for a new passport card, consider carefully whether or not you might be better off getting a us passport book. However, if youd like to get a passport card still, you can apply by completing the ds82 passport renewal form.
You should know that the passport card is only valid for travel by land and sea within mexico, canada, bermuda, and the caribbean, and you can not use it for air travel or for travel to other. If your travel plans take you to a country bordering the u. To enter the united states at land border crossings or sea portsofentry from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda, you can use a passport. You will be required to submit your expired passport bookcard with your application. Nov 07, 2016 when you apply for your passport renewal through g3, your passport book will be processed and returned to you within the time frame that you have selected.
If you have a passport book and you are eligible to use form ds82, you may apply for a passport card as a renewal by mail even if it is your first passport card. If youre only applying for a card, we will send it to you via first. Aug 10, 2012 if you already have a passport book, you might be able to apply for your very first passport card by mail. This depends on the passport service demand at the time. How to get a passport card if i already have a passport book. If youre a citizen of the united states, and youre thinking about traveling to mexico, but you dont yet have a passport, you might consider getting a passport card instead of a regular passport book. To apply for or renew both the book and card, check the appropriate box at the top of the form to indicate that you would like to apply for both products. If you lose your passport book you still have your passport card and vice versa. The bahamian government only requires proof of citizenship e. It can also be affected by how long ago you had a valid passport. Should americans have both a passport book and a passport card.
It is smaller and more convenient to carry than a passport book, and it is less expensive to obtain. How to get a passport card when renewing your passport. You can mail your renewal application directly to the state department yourself. Passport card department of foreign affairs and trade. Complete your passport card application in order to apply for your first passport card, youll need the same documentation you need to apply for a passport book. If you do have the book and travel frequently between through the boarders of canada and mexico or on ships to bermuda, mexico, and the caribbean, you might want to consider applying for both when renewing your passport. In part, this is because the passport card is the size of a standard id card, meaning that it can be carried with the same convenience as any other. May 10, 2010 the passport cards usefulness as an international travel identification document is so limited, its not adequate for most of its intended use. The netherlands authorities will not accept the card as proof of identity for instance. To apply for or renew both the book and card, check the appropriate box at the top of the form to. Your passport book can be used in any situation where a passport card could be used, but you may find that it is convenient for you to also have a passport card. To enter the united states at land border crossings or sea portsofentry from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda, you can use a passport book or a passport card.
A passport card is a smaller version of a passport book and fits inside a wallet. If you are applying for both a book and a card at the. Second, a good argument can be made that the passport card is more useful than the passport book for the limited circumstances in which it can be used. Mar 05, 2018 a passport card is a smaller version of a passport book and fits inside a wallet. While a passport book is valid for all types of travel land, sea or air to any destination. If you already only have the passport book, you can get the passport card as well when you apply for your next passport renewal.
Even closed loop cruises often require passengers to have a valid passport. Passport cards cannot be used for international air travel, even within the 19 mostly caribbean countries that accept the cards at land or sea ports. You should know that the passport card is only valid for travel by land and sea within mexico, canada, bermuda, and the caribbean, and you can. A passport card also could be useful for alaska cruises, as long as all border crossings into canada are done by land or sea. If you are applying for a passport, youll need to consider whether to get a passport book or a passport card. You can imagine my surprise when i found myself putting an x in the checkbox on my u. A passport book is required for all international travel by air. However, depending on where youre travelling, you might be ok with just the card. Passport card can be used to enter the united states from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda at land border crossings or sea portsofentry and is more convenient and less expensive than a. You cannot use a passport card when traveling by air internationally. Because you can get one for far less than youll have to pay for a passport book.
If you already have a passport book, you might be able to apply for your very first passport card by mail. How a passport card differs from a passport book dmv. This case is an unfortunate example of what can go wrong if you decide to cruise with just a passport card. The passport book has plenty of pages for visas and arrivaldeparture stamps, while the passport card is a onepiece creditcardsized id card. In order to apply for a passport book by mail, your current passport must meet the following requirements. Can you upgrade from a passport card to a passport book answers. It is intended to be used in place of the standard u. As it turned out, he was the one in for the unpleasant surprise. I lost my passport card, and i would like to apply for a new one to make use of the expedited rfid lanes at the mexican border.
The us passport card allows you to enter the united states from canada, mexico, the caribbean, and bermuda at sea ports of entry, land border crossings and is more convenient and cheaper than a passport book. Records are kept on file for any passport issuance and application after 1925. You will save money if you get your passport book and passport card at the same time as part of a bundle. If im remembering correctly, you can use your passport card when travelling by land or sea.
While the passport card is permissible for a cruise, you may want to reconsider getting the card over the book. Ds11 only has options under have you ever had either a passport cardbook for no, loststolen, or submitted with application. You may not know whether you have ever had a passport issued to you, especially if you were young and your parents applied for it for you. If you plan to travel by air or wish to visit a country other than canada, mexico, bermuda or one of the other caribbean island nations, you should apply for a passport book instead. Can you use the passport card for travel to the bahamas.
If i already have a passport book, can i use the ds82 to get a passport card. It is important to keep that in mind when reading the below. Jul 26, 2019 unfortunately, you cannot upgrade your passport card to a passport book. Jul 27, 2019 after he confirmed that his spouse could cruise with just a passport card, he booked their tropical vacation. The passport cards usefulness as an international travel identification document is so limited, its not adequate for most of its intended use. You can use your passport card in order to apply for a passport book. Select both and you will pay additional fees for the passport book and passport card. Should i get a passport card to go along with my passport. The united states passport card is an official identity and limited travel document issued by the united states federal government in the size of a credit card. When you apply for your passport renewal through g3, your passport book will be processed and returned to you within the time frame that you have selected. Carry both the passport card and the passport book in case of an emergency and you need to fly home. If you already have a passport book, you do not need a passport card to travel internationally.
Try using it for id at the airport when going thru the tsa checkpoints, and youll soon find out. How to apply for us passport card when i already have. How to apply for a new passport card rush my passport. Department of state passport services process and issue a passport card at the same time it takes to process if you were to obtain a passport book. If youre a frequent traveler to canada or mexico by land or sea, then the passport card can be a budgetfriendly option. Unfortunately, you cannot upgrade your passport card to a passport book. Passport cards requested by mail are always shipped back. Jun 09, 2019 if youre only planning on going between the u. What is a us passport card, and how can you get one. I have a passport card but need a passport book to travel. The us passport card is quite useless in form and substance.
You can only get a passport card with a passport book as part of a bundle which is an option you can select when renewing your childs passport online. You cannot use the passport card for international air travel, nor can you use it for travel to other international destinations. A passport card fits in your wallet, making it a more convenient form of id to carry on certain trips. For complete instructions and a link to download the form, click the link below. They are valid for five years from the date of issue, just like a minor passport book. Who can renew a passport, you can renew your passport via mail if your passport bookcard is due to expire or has expired in the last 5 years. Get a passport card with your passport renewal g3passports. You can apply for both the book and card with the same application but it is. Yes, if you have a passport card, you can obtain a passport book at any time. A us passport card can only be used for land and sea travel to canada, mexico or the caribbean.
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